News from September 2022

September 28th 2022: Animal Concern met with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities to discuss plans to ban the release of sky lanterns in Scotland. Whilst they were sympathetic to Animal Concern’s cause, they advised that the quickest way to achieve these aims is to tackle the issue with each of the remaining councils who haven’t yet brought in restrictive laws. Wales has a similar set up – in which every one of its local authorities has banned the release of lanterns on public land, the last of which was passed in 2018. Read more on this here.

September 12th 2022: Animal Concern has two new team members – Freddy Bowen-Bate and Graeme Corbett who will be attempting to fill the large shoes of John Robins by taking on our campaign work. After 42 years of unstinting work campaigning for animal welfare, John is taking up a well-deserved retirement. Follow their updates and consider supporting their work by becoming a member of Animal Concern, following them on Facebook at Animal Concern Ltd or Twitter at @animal_concern.

September 09th 2022: On 12th March Animal Concern objected to a planning application to build a puppy farm in Ayrshire. On April 28th we were able to tell you the farm had been refused planning permission. However, the applicant appealed to the Scottish Government. AC’s objection went to the Scottish Government. On 9th of September the Scottish Government refused the appeal. The puppy farm will not be given planning permission. It is, however, very concerning that the local authority gave a Dog Breeding Licence to someone who knew so little about dogs that s/he believed bitches give birth in a “Yelping Kennel”? You can read the Scottish Government ruling here.

September 09th 2022: On the 10th of August, during the extended heatwave, we asked all UK Governments to ban the release of sky lanterns. You can read about that on the August 10th and August 12th entries in our news section. Last week we received a reply from the Scottish Government Safer Communities Division of the Directorate for Safer Communities. (Who thinks these names up?) It looks as though the Scottish Government agrees with us about the dangers posed by sky lanterns. Just a pity they are not going to do anything about them. You can read the reply AC received here.

Read their response here.


News from October 2022


News from August 2022