News from October 2022

October 31st 2022: Animal Concern is joining the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission, Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation, Blue Cross, Dogs Trust and the Scottish SCPA in calling for a ban to greyhound racing. You can read our submission here.

October 26th 2022: The Scottish Government have announced a consultation on proposed tighter laws to ensure that those who wish to manage grouse shoots must apply for a licence, as well as tighter restrictions on the use of various animal traps. Animal Concern cautiously welcomes this as a first step to a larger process of grouse moor reform, and will be making a submission to the consultation, adding that owners should lose their licence to shoot grouse if they break raptor protection laws. See more here.

October 24th 2022: Every year tens of thousands of domestic, wild and farmed animals and many people suffer dreadfully from the use and misuse of fireworks. Animal Concern supporters have been asked to report any fireworks incidents to the Police via the emergency 999 number. This will test the new and the very complicated rules on fireworks brought into Scots law early this year. If you witness or just hear an incident near you, please report it.


News from November 2022


News from September 2022