Who We Are

We are Animal Concern, a charity dedicated to the promotion of animal welfare and an end to animal exploitation.

Before we were Animal Concern, we were the Scottish Anti-Vivisection Society (SAVS). With a history dating all the way back to 1876, SAVS campaigned for an end to animal experimentation over several decades.

In 1988 SAVS became Animal Concern (Scotland) Limited, and our name again changed in 1992 to Animal Concern Ltd., incorporating the Scottish Anti-Vivisection Society.

Our campaigns focus on animal welfare issues and lobbying for changes to legislation to promote the humane treatment of our wildlife, farmed animals and companion animals, and to acknowledge their rights as sentient beings.

We pursue our objectives through legislation and policy, public awareness, and supporting others who share our vision of ending the unnecessary suffering of animals at the hands of humans.

Historically, Animal Concern has campaigned on issues ranging from seal shooting and fish farming to vivisection, animal circuses, fireworks, horse and dog racing, rodenticide use and more.

While predominantly based in Scotland, we have also run and consulted campaigns in the rest of the UK and internationally.