How to Make Your Own Thunder Wrap for Your Dog
If your pet is shaking wrap it in a towel and encourage, but don’t force it, to where it feels safe in the house, this will often be where it generally sleeps.
Here are a few more tips on how you can help your companion or farmed animals:
First and foremost, there is no substitute for consulting a veterinarian. They will be able to advise across the widest range of queries to keep your animal safe and calm.
Keep pets indoors, the noise and lights can be terrifying for them.Stay calm yourself, even though this can be difficult, pets often take emotional cues from their owners.
Make sure you take your dog for its evening walk early before fireworks displays begin.
Cover cages and hutches to help soundproof them, if you have a small animal live outside in a garden, it’s a good idea to bring them inside for the night.
Keep horses in stables to stop them from running away.