We Wrote to Thérèse Coffey…

Animal Concern was deeply concerned by reports in the Guardian that the UK government may backtrack on earlier animal welfare commitments given in 2021 including ending the import of furs, foie gras, and hunting trophies. Government minister Zac Goldsmith publicly insisted the Government should drive forward with these commitments whilst Secretary of State Thérèse Coffey appears to be considering a u turn. We wrote (9 Feb 2023) to Dr Coffey seeking clarification. We received a response from Rt Hon Lord Benyon, Minister of State at DEFRA this week. You can read our letter to Dr Coffey here and the response from Lord Benyon here. We’ll leave it up to you to decide if our question were answered, we’ll writing again, watch this space…


The future of greyhound racing in Scotland


Letter to the editor: SNP leadership race