The Loch Long Salmon Saga
On Halloween of 2022, then-new Animal Concern recruits Graeme and Freddy attended the public hearing of the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park Authority (NPA) Board Meeting to discuss the planning application for a new fish farm at Beinn Reithe, on the shores of Loch Long.
Inside the public hearing at Arrochar on 31st October 2022
The application came from Loch Long Salmon, who were proposing a 4000-tonne biomass farm, which if built would be the largest salmon farm in Scottish waters.
The development was refused planning consent for many reasons, including:
· It would have disrupted the local landscape and community.
· It would have marred an otherwise undeveloped coastline with an industrial eye-sore.
· It would have damaged the “visual amenity” and rich landscape character of the National Park.
· It would have adversely impacted the special landscape qualities which designated the National Park.
· It would have adversely impacted the seascape and the surrounding wild fish population.
· It would have been using technology that has never been trialled in the way that LLS were proposing, thereby running too great a risk of an escape event.
· It could have negatively impacted the surrounding woodland area during its development.
· It would have controverted the first aim of the NPA which is to “conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area”.
For a comprehensive summation of the proposal and its adjudication, we recommend reading the posts of AFF The Clyde, who continue to campaign heavily against the proposed development.
After trying their luck at Loch Linnhe to no avail, Loch Long Salmon are now appealing to the Scottish Government to overturn the decision of the Loch Lomond & Trossachs NPA.
You can help in blocking this untested massive fish farm, which holds no regard for the environmental and aquacultural disasters it would cause, by submitting your objections to the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals by 3rd March. To do this, you must quote the appeal reference number: PPA-002-202 and either email to or write to
DPEA, 4 The Courtyard, Callendar Business Park, Callendar Road, Falkirk, FK1 1XR.
The head of Loch Long