The Final Straw for Fireworks

By now many will have heard about the tragic death of both Ginger and her baby Roxie. Both mother and baby red pandas died 5 days apart, following firework displays near Edinburgh Zoo. 

Roxie’s mum’s death on the 31st October is thought to be linked to fireworks.

Roxie, who lost her mum Ginger 5 days prior, died likely due to fireworks.

Ignoring (for now) the many issues with wild animals being kept and bred in captivity, it is staggering that anyone would think it would be okay to have fireworks set off so close to that many animals. Why were restrictions not put in place long ago to prevent fatalities such as Roxie's and likely her mum? 

We should be well beyond the "final straw" when it comes to the ongoing terror caused by out of control firework displays. It should not take the tragic death of a baby red panda in a zoo to drive this home.

Every year animals suffer immensely at the incredibly loud bangs and high-pitched cacophony of firework displays. There are endless video accounts of animals in distress from fireworks filmed by helpless owners, and yearly news stories of horses and dogs that suffered trauma to the point of death. Those are the ones we see. What of the wildlife that is subjected to sudden war like conditions? Is this a country that condones terrorising wildlife?  

Misuse and thoughtlessness around firework use has only gotten worse. With retailers having fireworks for sale upon entrance of stores, they are encouraging the public to participate in acts of terror, with youth accessing fireworks illegally and weaponizing them. This must stop.  

It now falls to the government to recognise public firework use for the serious problem it is. There can no longer be any excuses - selling fireworks to the public for personal use must be banned, displays set off only by licenced pyrotechnics on set days and times, away from sensitive animal habitats, and the public given notice well in advance. A “bit of fun” must not be to the detriment of so many. 

Collectively, we need to hold government accountable for not addressing the seriousness of this matter sooner in previous firework consultations. Firework Control Zones are not enough. The sale of fireworks to the public must be banned. 

Now is the time to write to your MSP/MP to say enough is enough - ban the sale of fireworks to the public. Here is what we've submitted. You can find your MSP/MP via Write to Them 

No more fireworks being set off for days on end at random times. No more fireworks being fired at people and their dogs. No more terrorising pets, livestock, wildlife and vulnerable people. 

Animals need us to speak up for them on this.


Loch Long Salmon Farm back on the table


Nae Fireworks at Whitelee Wind Farm