Don’t blame animal rights activists for horses dying

Our letter published in The Scotsman newspaper on Saturday 22nd April 2023:

As an animal welfare charity, just as we condemn anyone – including animal rights activists – who would imperil any animal life, neither will we step back and allow the horse racing industry to absolve itself of any liability for the deaths and injuries that accompany steeplechases.

We saw Ayr get its excuses in early as it issued statements about its security efforts and police liaison. In the event of fatalities, we can just about pre-write their statement – “despite our best efforts, animal rights activists…”. Let’s never mind there have already been fatalities slip under public attention at Ayr this month. Let’s ignore the deaths in previous years and at other less high-profile meets around Scotland.

Could it be that these fatalities are something to do with the conditions hard-baked into horse racing itself and in fact not entirely the fault of animal rights activists? Perhaps the age and health of the horses involved shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand? Perhaps the gruelling demands of the racecourse aren’t irrelevant? It may even be possible that the sporting demand for ever faster times under a jockey’s whip can’t be ruled out as a factor?

We can only hope there are no tragedies this weekend; if there are surely a nudge and wink in the direction of animal rights activists will no longer suffice and the industry, whether dragged kicking and screaming, will have to confront the long overdue need for reform.

Graeme Corbett


Our response to the Wildlife Management Bill


The Grand National Tragedy