Breaking - a ban on snares in Scotland?!

We are thrilled at today’s news that the Scottish Government has announced its intention to implement a full ban on the use of snare traps in Scotland!

Consisting of a thin wire noose, snares are a barbaric and indiscriminate form of wildlife trap, often used by the shooting industry to stop foxes from hunting game birds, but which have time and again caught various other wildlife species badgers, hedgehogs, hares, deer and even sometimes cats and dogs. The trapped animal can suffer in pain and fear for hours or even days before dying from exhaustion, starvation or dehydration.

We have long spoken out against the use of snares and other similar wildlife traps and supported the efforts of fellow animal advocates leading this movement like the League Against Cruel Sports and OneKind, and we have lobbied MSPs including members of the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee to illegalise these archaic torture devices.

It therefore comes as great news that the Scottish Government are finally planning to scrap them, following Wales’ similar decision only months ago. We only hope that the UK government will soon follow suit.

The legislation will come as part of the Wildlife Management & Muirburn (Scotland) Bill currently under scrutiny by the RAI Committee of Scottish Parliament. They have launched a second six-week public call for views on the inclusion of a snare ban, as well as increasing the investigative powers of the Scottish SPCA for wildlife crime, which is also to be added to the Bill at Stage 2.

We want to ensure that a ban on snares is absolute – with no ifs or buts. We will, therefore, be saying as much in our response to the public consultation, as well as pushing for a ban not just on the use of snares in Scotland, but also their sale.

We encourage our supporters to do the same. The deadline for responding to this call for views in the 3rd October 2023.

You can do so here:

And while we push for a ban on the sale of snares (as well as their use), sign our petition to call on Amazon to lead by example and prohibit these torture devices from being sold on their platform.


Fireworks Campaign Update


Councils must designate Firework Control Zones