woman stroking a horse

Alison Brisby

Admin Support

Alison grew up in Yorkshire on a small holding, surrounded by animals. Her dad was a farm worker, and her mum was always nurturing their animals and rescuing wildlife. It was a life akin to the ‘Good Life’ and one that Alison was sorry to have left behind. It did however instil in her a love and respect for animals that will never leave her. And even now when she goes home, her mother will invariably be rescuing some animal or other … whether it’s removing a tick from a hedgehog, taking in a stray cat or kitten, or taking on the care of a dog whose owner has become too sick. 

Alison now lives in the Wirral with her partner, daughter, and Jack Russell puppy, Angel. She gets great pleasure from volunteering at the local Pony Sanctuary and knowing her work with Animal Concern is contributing to a better and fairer treatment of animals.