Campaigning for animals since 1876
Legislate to Liberate
Lobbying for legislation that protects our wildlife, farmed animals and companion animals
Our mission is to campaign for the abolition of animal exploitation, and to promote the humane treatment of all animals.
Targeting “underdog” issues
We look at animal welfare issues that are less talked about in mainstream media, or are not as well-covered by other animal welfare groups.
Animals need your help
There are so many ways to help the cause. Signing up as a member, campaigning on our behalf, following us, donating or leaving a gift in your will.

From illegalising seal shooting, to promoting non-lethal methods of animal population management, to banning the giving of goldfish as prizes in Scotland, to bringing an end to animal act circuses in Scotland, to rescuing and rehoming captive bears, to rescuing primates from research projects, and many more.
Show you care. Let’s speak up for those who can’t do it for themselves.
Sign up to be the first to know about our activities and progress. We send a couple of emails a month with the latest on our campaigns and how you can help.